
As a leader in system integration, Aerocircle Automation offers a range of high quality products and services. The company's knowledge and experience in factory and process automation help customers improve productivity and scale up operations.

The company's verticals are-
  • Factory automation
  • Process automation.
  • Engineering and software services
  • Vision systems and tracking solutions.

Factory automation

Aerocircle Automation provides comprehensive solutions to its customers for factory automation, enabling customers to seamlessly integrate the shopfloor with IT systems. Provides solutions for:

The company's verticals are-
  • Automotive
  • Cranes and material handling
  • Paper and printing
  • Textile automation
  • Winder and unwinder machine

Process Automation

Aerocircle Automation has built in-depth domain knowledge of business processes, and with its dedicated team of engineers, offer customers end-to-end process automation solutions. Offers innovative process automation for following industries:

  • Food and beverage
  • Chemical
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Water treatment
  • Power and utility
  • Metals and mining
  • Boiler automation
  • Brewery and distillery

Engineering and software services

Aerocircle Automation provides solutions inthe fields of control automation, instrumentation and engineering. Its range of services includes:

  • Detailed design engineering
  • Control software/SCADA Development
  • Process optimization services.
  • Field and training services
  • E plan, Auto CAD and Micro station services

Machine Vision

Aerocircle Automation offers customized vision-based inspection, guidance and identification systems that give machines the power to "see." Vision systems provide early detection of process errors, ensure shipments are free from all defects, an reduce rejections. The systems are rugged, easy to use, reliable and efficient. By integrating our vision systems with intelligent material handling, Aerocircle Automation helps customers optimize processes to enhance productivity and maintain quality.

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